Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Avoid The Squeeze Page “One Time Offer” Trap

Don’t be fooled.  You will not die, contract an incurable disease or be the single cause of global warming should you choose not to take up the “One Time Offer”, known in the trade as “OTO”, on squeeze pages.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My website and my car are alike

"Are you mad?" you may well ask. Possibly, but that’s not under discussion in this article. Let me explain the idea.

There are some obvious differences. My car has physical properties such as size and weight. My website doesn’t even exist in the physical world! It’s just coloured lights (pixels) on my screen turned on or off in a particular pattern so that I’m fooled into believing it’s a page.

The first thing to do is to think of them conceptually.